Benedikt Perak presented a talk on the Zagreb Cognitive Science Forum along with other great speakers. Many thanks to the organizers: Renata Geld, Mateusz Milan-Stanojević, Diana Tomić.

Todd Oakley, PhD
Professor and Chair of Cognitive Science
Case Western Reserve University, USA
Money Talks, but do we Understand What it is Saying?: Conceptual Blending, Sovereign Money Systems and the Amalgamated Mind

Mihailo Antović, PhD
Professor, Faculty of Philosophy
Head, Center for Cognitive Sciences
University of Niš, Serbia
Semantics, Space, and Cognition: Do Spatial Relations Lie at the Basis of Concept Construction?

Benedikt Perak, PhD
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Rijeka
Emotions in the Parliament: Cognitive analysis of the Croatian Parliament debates Corpus

