Grgurić, Diana; Perak, Benedikt. „Tekstovi popularnih pjesama u konstrukciji nacionalnog sjećanja“ // Fluminensia (2019) doi:10.31820/f.31.2.16

Poveznica na rad:

Sažetak: U radu se istražuje proces konstruiranja nacionalnog sjećanja kroz tekstove hrvatskih popularnih pjesama emitiranih na radiju tijekom Dana državnosti u vremenskom periodu od 2008 do 2012 godine. Polazi se od opće pretpostavke da je popularna glazba dominantan oblik popularne kulture koji odražava društvenu zbilju. Pri tome je efikasan identifikator prenošenja i promocije nacionalnog identiteta zbog opetovanog medijskog emitiranja putem kojeg učinkovito prodire do kognitivno-afektivnih sustava slušača. Na temelju korpusa najizvođenijih pjesama deset opserviranih radijskih postaja, rad analizira ontološku strukturu pjesama i identificira sjećanja kroz popularnoglazbene prakse u obilježavanju komemorativne kulture u Hrvatskoj.

Ključne riječi: hrvatska popularna glazba; kolektivno sjećanje; radio; nacionalni identitet; korpusna analiza pjesama; pojmovna analiza


Summary: This work is based on the discourse and conceptual analysis of the popular songs broadcasted on the radio from the perspective of the culture of memory. The basic assumption of the study is that the conceptual structure of lyrics reflect the identity of a Croatian society. The corpus of songs broadcasted on Statehood Day has been created over the 5 consecutive years, yielding a list of most frequent 19 songs out of 50 music play lists with 31,372 songs. Multidimensional social and discourse aspects were analysed in terms of their role in forming of cultural knowledge about the national identity. The corpus based conceptual analysis identified key concepts from the perspective of embodied constructions of the meaning that highlight the continuity of the nation’s existence and refer to the Homeland War as the badge of identity of the Croatian society. The paper provides the perspectives and methodologies for further research of the role of the popular songs in the process of Croatian culture memory.

Key words: Croatian popular music; collective memory; radio; national identity; corpus analysis; discourse analysis